A simple way to measure and benchmark trading volume

What is the GTLot?

The GTLot, exclusively developed by, serves as a bespoke unit to measure and benchmark the trading volume of a client’s trading account, across every asset class. 

The purpose of the GTLot is to standardize trading volume measurement for all financial instruments and asset classes, whilst offering a straightforward solution for comparing instruments directly. It addresses the challenge posed by the wide variety of CFD instruments in the market, converting the intricate differences in contract size, denomination, and nominal values into one unified measure for easy comparison. 

1 GTLot = 100,000 USD of trading volume

Understanding GTLot

GTLot converts trading volume into USD, and standardizes 1 GTLot as equivalent to a trading volume of 100,000 USD.

*USD Volume Calculation = Lots x Contract Size x Base Currency to USD Price

** USD Volume Calculation = Lots x Contract Size x Price x Base Currency to USD Price

GTLot Calculator

1 GTLot = 100,000 USD of trading volume

Use our handy tool to calculate the USD trading volume and GTLot size based on the instrument and Lot size selected. 





Frequently Asked Questions

The GTLot is an innovative unit, specially designed by for measuring and benchmarking the trading volume of a client’s Live Trading Account across all CFD instruments and asset classes. The GTLot was created with the purpose of unifying the diversity of the contract size, the denomination, and the nominal value of all available CFD instruments into a single standardised unit.


It works by converting the overall trading volume of an account to USD and by standardising 1 GTLot to be equal to 100,000 USD of trading volume.

Clients can view the volume(s) of each of their Live Trading Account’s in GTLots from the Client Portal Dashboard.

To calculate the volume in GTLots we use the following formula:

  • Volume in USD = Lot X Contract Size X Market price (converted to USD)
  • GT Lots = Volume in USD/100,000


Example 1:

Using BTCUSD as an example:

If trading BTCUSD with 1 standard lot, where the contract size is 1, and the market price is quoted as 40,000 USD.

Volume is USD = Lot * Contract size * Market price (converted to USD)

Volume is USD = 1 * 1 * 40,000 = 40,000


GTLot = Volume in USD/100,000

GTLot = 40,000/100,000 = 0.4 GTLots.


Example 2:

Using the stock of Apple (#AAPL) as an example:

If trading #AAPL with 1 standard lot, where the contract size is 100, and the current price is 2,000 USD.

Volume in USD = Lot X Contract Size X Market price (converted to USD)

Volume in USD = 1 * 100 * 2,000 = 200,000


GTLot = Volume in USD/100,000

GTLot = 200,000/100,000 = 2 GTLots.

GTLots are used by only for benchmarking, promotional, and marketing purposes.


They can act as a trading performance indicator on the Dashboard, allowing the trader to find out in a quick and simple way exactly how much overall volume they are trading with in their account.


Furthermore, GTLots can be used as a target or performance metric in promotions, campaigns, and competitions. For example, in a trading promotion, participants might be asked to trade X GTLots to be eligible for or a competition or win a prize.


In a similar manner, GTLots can be a trading requirement that needs to be maintained, e.g., monthly trading volume of 5 GTLots, to be eligible for VIP Services.

No, the GTLot concept was created by as a new, additional method to measure and compare trading volume across instruments and asset classes. It does not substitute the traditional concept of lots or standard lots in any way.

* Disclaimer: GTLot is an original and unique method of measuring trading volume across all instruments and/or asset classes, developed by the Company solely for benchmarking, promotional and marketing purposes. GTLot is an indication of the trading volume of accounts registered only with the Company and does not in any way substitute standard lots, nor can a client trade any asset in the markets by using GTLot.

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